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OUR pastors

Brad and Miranda Riser serve as extension pastor/minister of King's Cathedral which is located on Maui, Hawaii. They currently have an extension located in Fairmont, West Virginia.


They have three wonderful children that the Lord has blessed them with and who assist them in ministry as well.


Their lives changed on a mission trip to Hana, Hawaii in 2010. It was there, the Lord spoke to  them about permanently moving to Hana, and answering the call of full-time ministry. In 2012, they and their three children, made the move from West Virginia across the Pacific ocean to work as missionary pastors in Hana.  During the next five years, they preached, evangelized, and planted two churches in the most remote areas of Maui. 


In 2017 the Lord spoke to them to return "home" to West Virginia and that it was time to release the two churches into the hands of the leaders that had been raised up. The Riser family, with their children, are now in West Virginia with a vision to teach and train those with a passion for ministry, and see new extensions planted on the East Coast. 



We Love You!

Pastor Brad and his wife Miranda Riser, after spending 5 years in Hana, Maui, Hawaii planting two churches, felt called back home to West Virginia. The KC extension in Fairmont began in January of 2019 at the location of 27 Jo Harry Drive. They are currently looking for a new location to meet as the building they use now is proving to be too small for the recent growth. The couple looks forward to King's Chapel Fairmont being a hub of many extensions in the area. KC Fairmont has seen over 2,500 salvations through outreaches, crusades, and witnessing since its inception.


Our Leaders
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