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Whether you're a new believer, desiring to grow, or ready to serve on a ministry team, we want to help you discover your next steps to: 
Discover ~ Grow ~ Belong ~ Lead.  

Our Passion is Your Purpose

God has a calling for your life. What is your next step?


If you are new to King's Chapel, never filled out a Connect Card, or if your contact information has changed, take the time to fill out a Connect Card so that we can keep you updated on everything King's!


Discover Track is a four-week course to discover who King's Cathedral and Chapels are, how we started, and how you can become involved. 


If you have never been baptized, we encourage you to take that Next Step in following the example of Christ. Click on the link below if you have more questions about "Why be baptized" or to sign up for the next baptism. 


Grow by joining a life or serving on a King's VIP ministry team. Click a link below to learn more about what life groups / ministry departments and teams are available.


King's Cathedral and Chapels truly is family and when we choose to take the extra step to becoming a member, we are making the commitment to the King's vision, to one another, and to serving God with our talents, treasures, and time. Click below to learn more about membership. 


In order to begin assisting / leading a life group or a ministry team, you must be a member of King's and been assisting a current leader in a life group or ministry for at least 6 months. Ask your leader or pastor about more information concerning the track of becoming a leader.

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